Firm Profile-Philosophy

Mt. Daly Enterprises, LLC is a Landscape Architecture firm which works on projects of all scales, ranging from residential to master planning.  The belief of the firm is that each scale of project has its own set of challenges and opportunities, the solution of which affect the larger community.  The smaller residential projects allow one to concentrate on details with which one comes into contact, such as flower gardens, benches and outdoor living spaces. The residential projects also allow one to develop landscapes reflecting the character of the client and architecture while fitting into the project’s surroundings, whether it is a natural setting or a residential neighborhood.  Larger projects integrate broader issues of how a new project interfaces with an existing community.  This takes into consideration the creation of vitality in a place, connections to neighborhoods or open space and trail systems and acknowledging the social aspects of commercial and residential spatial organization.  Care is taken to address each project individually, keeping in mind the desires of the client, the environment of the site and the purpose of the project.